
This is the result of a joke from someone out of Mobius PvE making a joke about my previous piece yesterday. Apparently they clearly were able to ascertain that not only were the two gals the co-pilots, that also they meant a lot in the piece. As such, they made a innuendo joke about me being on top of things, which is a reference to the pilot on top/co-pilots on the bottom seating arrangement of both the Type-9 Heavy and Type-10 Defender. I thought it was a funny pun, and had to actually visualize this image that was in my head.


Morale of this piece? Make sure your copilots don’t mind you being on top of them. And Lakon should probably build better seating arrangements in their ships. I’m also sure those two would be pretty coordinated to fly like that; almost like those super robot anime things.

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This is a silly and long-promised doodle for the peeps over at Mobius PvE, with one of the head admin’s cat. There was a joke about the cat being the actual boss, and having his own personal Cobra Mk. 3 to fly around on and get things in the house.


While I did let it sit a bit longer than I linked, I’m glad with the final result. Apparently drawing a cat on a spaceship does turn some heads.

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I started doing comics again, and while I still have my AntiMLM series to kick back up, I’m trying to see if I can get some people interested and vested in the Janus Fairytale universe. And that’s to do some small crossover stories featuring certain peeps, typically involving themselves going about in the universe with a short story around them. In that way I hope that the stories get some awareness and hopefully a following!


Admittedly I haven’t written anything Heather related in ages, but that’ll change soon. Just have a lot of stuff I’m sorting through at the moment in real life.


But this is a test frame with a crossover from @gettingoutofmyhometown, with her character Emma! She helped pick outfit colors and I still have to come up with a backstory why she ended up there, and have half of her adventure plotted out. I’ll post more when I have some things ironed out.


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I decided to start numbering the single-panel comics I’ve been doing about CMDR Taranava. I got feedback for two different versions, but I’m sticking with the non-frame version for now.


This came to mind as I was inspired a bit by @honouri’s stuff, and just had the idea of plopping the character on the floor playing with an SRV. This was the result.


Things can be slow at the Duchess’ HQ, I guess.

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This was something I cooked up upon a person I’ve known from an Elite: Dangerous group called my Type-10 a space turtle. While this was nothing new, she had previous described other ships with varying names. I decided that this finally needed to be put down for posterity, along with sharing to the entire world.


This did get posted on Reddit with almost 1,000 upvotes and 25,000 views. Suffice to say it was well received. In fact, commenters wanted a Part 2. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.


Inspiration from CMDR Taranava.

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With the whole Gnosis snafu that happened, there were quite a number of unhappy pilots. More notably a good chunk of explorers were parked there, most equipped with unarmed Asp Explorers (no weapons = lighter weight = bigger jump range). Thanks to a very priceless comment in one Reddit post, this comic was the result of that.

Hats off to you, poor AspX explorers. Let’s hope the odds are in your favor the next time.

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Now and then we have contests in the Mobius PVE group. Most of these revolve around cartography data, finding griefers and even art contests. This recent one was for who posted the most amount of genuine content, which would result in being in the top ten contributors in the Facebook group.


The ten lucky boffins got picked, but I got special mention for the comics of the group! So when filling out the form to get my sticker packs, I had to upload “photo proof” of why I qualified for stickers. I got snarky instead, composing this instead of a screenshot.


I love Elite: Dangerous, I really do. But it’s a shame the only “fighter-like” ship is an Eagle or the things you launch. Even then, it wasn’t to my liking. So I doctored mine a bit. External missile points, a WW2 paint scheme and even a refueling probe on the nose.


Let’s hope the stickers get here soon.

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This was something I had done for the r/AntiMLM subreddit several months ago. It’s safe to this piece jumpstarted my current comic trajectory; after getting the feedback I did, I delved more into drawing for people such as Twitter requests, the Todd Anti-MLM comic among other things. I think it was a big change for me, and I’m happy it opened up other stuff for me to do.


Original post date April 27th, 2018.

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Something I did for one of the people over at the ElitePVE/Mobius group; it was her birthday and I figured I’d finish up an old piece from January into a short comic.


The sassy and punny CMDR Taranava graces us with a worthwhile Anaconda joke. In the background is CMDR DEAMONSRUN9393, who is very grounded with anime tropes; hence his “nosebleed” reaction to Taranava perched on the Anaconda.


Mobius logo courtesy of Mike Northeast, and used with permission.

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I literally spent an all-nighter on this. O_O


First, voting results. Benthessia was the winner by one vote! Everyone else was a tie in at second. That was a shock for me, and while I process what to do with that revelation, will plug ahead as promised. Todd now has a lovely Notikan women to stand by his side and help him out in the challenges ahead.


I spent a huge amount of time on the cockpit and the homeworld panels, but I really wanted to hammer what the Notikan homeworld was like. As much as I’ve written it by myself and want to portray in Dawnstar one of these days, I had to actually come up with something to show how their world looked. I finally settled on something partially ancient and a little regal, as a herald to their ancient Latin-like roots.


But Brayleigh, Todd’s ex-wife rears her ugly head upon seeing that Todd has a new friend. Looks like he has his work cut out for him.

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