call of cthulhu

So in my custom tabletop CoC game, I feature several of the cast from my Heather and Janus Fairytale settings. One of these is Maddie, Elizabeth’s sister. She helped co-manage a tavern by the name of The Nosy Ram, named after Fluff. She was a bit of a source of information for the players, who often visited her establishment.


One of her favorite things to do was to grab a chair and sit with the players, often flipping the chair and sitting backwards on it. A few of them found this hilarious, and the players associated this posture with the character. They also dubbed this after the famous “Riker Maneuver”, in which Will Riker sweeps his leg to it over a chair. So I decided to quickly draw this out for them.


One thing’s for sure; Janus and Heather have a pretty eccentric aunt. Pretty sure she makes Elizabeth facepalm quite a bit, too.

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So when I run my Call of Cthulhu Ellowwood flavored game, I often try to make artwork and such for the guys. They hit a milestone in which one of their original group had to leave (they had a new job IRL), and had a small respite after beating their objective of a major plot boss. This is all who survived at one of the player’s farm, with their NPC sidekick Caroline. I have a replacement lined up for them thankfully, and they’ll engage in main quest lines once they get a new player. So only time will tell.


I need to start drawing full scenes like this more often. Still evolving with the way I draw, but since January have been losing the will to actually doodle things. Hopefully it’s seasonal.

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