
While this concept was something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, I started on it just around the time @gettingoutofmyhometown was having her Instagram giveaway. If you draw something with her character for the event, your art gets a chance to be featured, along with being given 3 entries for the giveaway.


So I did a different version of this piece, putting her character in as the protagonist instead of who I was originally going to go with. Honestly I think it came out well. She was impressed with it as well, going to print out a copy to hang up!


As for the story behind the original plot? I’ll do the original version I had intended first, but I’ve been making notes and I do plan on writing about it. But it involves a prototype space-superiority fighter, an old engineer looking for young blood to fly it, and a looming threat intentionally being buried under wraps.


You’ll definitely be hearing about this story in the future.



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Giveaway Announcement

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My sister got her room remodeled a little bit, and part of what she did was get a portion of her room painted with the “markerboard paint”. I got to try it a little, and decided to put this fantastic piece out with one of the markers.


Even though I’m in DIGM now, it always feels like science doesn’t get a fighting chance. I got inspired to make a motivational poster for people to actually like science and keep their heads on logically. I might’ve been doing digital art, but I was probably the only one around that still wanted to do things with science and a telescope.


Maybe when my skills get better, I’ll revisit this concept again and do a proper piece. Only time will tell.

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