art request

So Wayc and I have a joke about the Giga Mermaid from the Shantae games, being a tad bit adventurous. One agreed scene is her going “Yahoo” or “Yeehaw” to some degree. I absentmindedly had posted over to r/ICanDrawThat for someone to possibly draw this idea.


And I apparently got a taker! k_veikur graciously drew up Giga Mermaid going “Yeehaw!”. Both wayc and I were thrilled, and couldn’t have asked for a better portrayal.


You can check out their Twitter and original post down below:

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This fantastic piece was originally a sketch done by awesome dA artist MGilhang; took a few months for it to get done, but it was worth the wait. By then I had gotten a whole lot better with Photoshop in terms of coloring, so when I took to this piece it had a different level of quality over the pieces I’d usually do.


I couldn’t have asked for a better, sexier version of Britney from anyone, and don’t think anyone would be matching up to that for awhile. This is exactly how I saw her in my head and am thankful to see someone do her justice.

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This was a request that deviant user Deer-Moss did for me during this summer. She was grateful and skilled enough to portray my concept of an alien crab that I doodled one day. The watercolor adds a really nice effect to it, making it look like it came out of a nature book. Also some other people were quite impressed with it, apparently.


Watercolor on paper.

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