This is something I had doodled on Twitter awhile back. During one of Kizuna A.I’s video playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human, she had firmly declared “NO CARL” in English when her character was asked a question. Of course my mind went in a different direction and saw this instead. Sue my imagination for seeing Ai-chan actually pushing someone in a wheelchair around. >.>;;


Video clip for explanation (time-stamped for your convenience)

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Now and then we have contests in the Mobius PVE group. Most of these revolve around cartography data, finding griefers and even art contests. This recent one was for who posted the most amount of genuine content, which would result in being in the top ten contributors in the Facebook group.


The ten lucky boffins got picked, but I got special mention for the comics of the group! So when filling out the form to get my sticker packs, I had to upload “photo proof” of why I qualified for stickers. I got snarky instead, composing this instead of a screenshot.


I love Elite: Dangerous, I really do. But it’s a shame the only “fighter-like” ship is an Eagle or the things you launch. Even then, it wasn’t to my liking. So I doctored mine a bit. External missile points, a WW2 paint scheme and even a refueling probe on the nose.


Let’s hope the stickers get here soon.

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Such interesting breakfasts I have when I’m out of town.


Upon “landing” in Queens once again, I get this quick-on-my-feet breakfast of a banana, and a old-fashioned Dunkin Donuts. I was very happy with this to be honest. Considering how much fast food I had on the road while driving in.

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Finally am on the road again after this long while! I’ll be sure to update you with anything interesting I see. While I’m slotted to help drive on the way in, that time is longer into the evening afterwards.


So for now, I get to nap and lounge on the backseat. While out of date, I took the smaller GPS and plastered it to my window so  I can see a general trip progress. Hey, it works.

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This is the second time I’m grilling this dish, and I think wings are going to be my favorite thing to be grilling this summer. Had to snap this shot to show you how they’re coming along under my care, almost ready to come off.


These are dry rub, and I use this spice rub from Puckett’s, specifically the Chicken/grill rub. Works pretty well, gives some heat but most of all that savory, salty flavor. When that hits the oil, makes you feel like you found a hole in the wall place while on an urban walkabout.


If I grill more stuff, I’ll definitely share them with you as the season goes on.

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Something I did for one of the people over at the ElitePVE/Mobius group; it was her birthday and I figured I’d finish up an old piece from January into a short comic.


The sassy and punny CMDR Taranava graces us with a worthwhile Anaconda joke. In the background is CMDR DEAMONSRUN9393, who is very grounded with anime tropes; hence his “nosebleed” reaction to Taranava perched on the Anaconda.


Mobius logo courtesy of Mike Northeast, and used with permission.

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Author’s Note: This article was written two weeks after this event took place in mid-December of 2016. After my situation in 2017, it got lost and neglected. When I restarted content earlier this year, a chain of events had taken place with the venue the previous season (2017), and I highly debated even posting my experience due to those events. Nevertheless, I’ll share as you can always count on me to. This is about my trip to the con at the time, not the drama and incidents that happened afterwards. It’s neither biased or reflects what I currently think of the venue.

I’ve done minor edits on this article to bring it current (specifically its ending), but it remains virtually unchanged from its 2016 version.

It’s been about seven years since I went to an anime convention of any sort. Animazement 2009 being my last stint of cosplay, hanging out at a convention and going to someplace of that sort with “friends”. It’s not something I really care to talk about, always telling myself that I’ll go one day and I’ll have the right people around me.

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