This was my 3rd attempt at spaceship pixel art back when I was starting to feel comfortable doing digital art. I took a lot of inspiration from Starblade and Project Dragoon in its design, wanting something sleek and more airplane looking. Done in MS Paint and with a trackball mouse!

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Well, it’s official. I have a job again, but this time thankfully it’s something a lot different than dealing with annoying customers at a retail store. I’m now a physics lab assistant! I have a ton of work to do in the labs and help the physics professor out, but tasks include maintaining science equipment, taking care of the observatory among other things. It’s a ton of work, and first thing was getting the workstation actually working and online! So a shot of accomplishment at the end of the day’s work after that.

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I’m sorry I didn’t get a whole picture as the lab has cameras and they don’t like disturbances, but this is how it looks where I typically access the computer when I’m at Walters State. All my deviantART uploads, browsing the Internet, checking e-mail, using Myspace; you know, the usual. Things I don’t get to do when I’m at home as dumb as that sounds. I pretty much visit here every time I get to campus to catch up with things.


While the headphones are dumb, I sometimes use my own; but the computer is a whole lot better than that 850Mhz Windows Me machine I use. So there’s that, I guess.


If things change in the future, I hopefully don’t have to spend so much time here.

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