Tabletop RPG

A long time ago my DnD buddy Karomaz had a concept for a game, involving a tiefling paladin and his kobold alchemist. This was always just a joke doodle for months, but when I got that post-birthday art streak, took a proper stab at the idea.
This is tiefling paladin Lillith, Champion of Calistra under the Patfhinder 2e rules. And her sidekick is Flakk, a kobold who scraps with dirty tactics. What future awaits for them? We’ll find out and see.

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So when I run my Call of Cthulhu Ellowwood flavored game, I often try to make artwork and such for the guys. They hit a milestone in which one of their original group had to leave (they had a new job IRL), and had a small respite after beating their objective of a major plot boss. This is all who survived at one of the player’s farm, with their NPC sidekick Caroline. I have a replacement lined up for them thankfully, and they’ll engage in main quest lines once they get a new player. So only time will tell.


I need to start drawing full scenes like this more often. Still evolving with the way I draw, but since January have been losing the will to actually doodle things. Hopefully it’s seasonal.

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One of the last bits of art from my first tabletop campaign. I actually did start this sometime in December of 2019, but with pandemic, the group quitting their play sessions and such, I never got around to finishing it. This night was the exception; while on voice chat with the ninja rogue from that same group, I worked on finally finishing this.


The journey’s been long over and it’s an interesting place to be 1 and some years later, but happy hunting, wherever your adventures will take you.

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A few months ago, I had briefly run a text-based RPG for an online peep, which was mostly for December and some of January. While it ended later that month due to my own commitments, I figured I’d share at least what happened for your entertainment reading, as I’m not putting out as much writing as I should. It is a good 9,000 word tale, and covers through most of the first act of The Fall of Plaguestone, a Pathfinder 2e module.

This tale utilizes a conglomerate of all my Pathfinder PC’s to date, and was presented to the player as a sort of “lovable sidekick group” dynamic of an all-girl cast.

Left to right:

  • Liandra the fighter
  • Pri the bard/rogue
  • Marios the cleric/party leader
  • Yorina the cleric/alchemist/engineer
  • Sophie the divine sorcerer
  • Lillith the paladin
  • Keisha the primal sorcerer
  • Nora the NPC/sidekick.

The player’s character would’ve been featured, but he had no reference artwork, and wasn’t given too much to make official art of him (especially since this didn’t last too long). Fortunately, I had my DnD buddy Karomaz do this up based on his description. So you have some reference at least!

Lastly disclaimer: This player’s responses were edited for grammar and some clarity, due to their different writing style. As it’s a more informal reading out of an RP chat, I’ve edited his responses to at least be whole sentences and have commas, periods, etc. My responses have also been fixed with some tenses, as most were hybrid from talking to the peep in the moment.

Player’s responses are orange. This is written in a second-person point of view, addressing him with the details and story.

Sound good? Alrighty, let’s go!

(This first intro bit is the intro text of the module; it’s been provided for story clarity)

It has been three days since you left Elidir, climbing into the back of one of Bort Bargith’s wagons bound for the faraway Andoran capital of Almas. The smiling caravan master cut your travel cost to only a handful of coppers, so long as you promised to protect the wagons should any trouble arise. Fortunately, your journey through the hinterlands of Isger has been quiet, even if the ride itself has been far from comfortable.

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