So, while browsing my site you might’ve noticed a few posts that are a bit older than my regular stream of content. Some stuff that may not match up with my current style of writing, pictures or even art.

These are backlogged posts that have been manually added to janeilh.com starting in 2018 and backdated to their appropriate time when they were created or relevant. These are mostly images and art pieces from an older period when I was bouncing around on places like Xanga, Myspace and Freewebs. But you might find some imported blogs, creative writing snippets and status updates.

This is also content from years past that I’ve created or have accumulated in the years, but have never posted either due to a personal “classified” statue, had no platform to post it on or did not feel it was wanted or belonged. Most of this content is photos I’ve taken throughout my life, though it may include other types of content such as videos, screenshots and such.

This is primarily for historical purposes if not nostalgia and sentimental value. Think of it as a curated, historical archive that you can scroll through and get a glimpse into my past, seeing interesting things, visages and sights that I’ve encountered in my earlier years. I view it as how I would’ve had a website in those days and realizing that dream I wanted, if I had the tools and creative freedom I had today.

And who knows? Maybe something I saw 10 years back may be just the thing someone wanted to know about that era.

If you’re scrolling down page by page to see what I have going on, anything under this post has been backdated non-organically. This post serves as a milestone as to when my site actually started up and entered the online world, both for me and anyone reading this.

This was posted February 11, 2018.


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This was something I cooked up the same evening I got my used Intuos 4 tablet. I had also just bought a brush pack for traditional oil/watercolor patterns, so I was giving that a whirl too. This was quick and rough, nothing too developed. Also was trying to get used to using a big tablet like that at the time as well.

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Please be at ease and patient; your Chaika is charging.

When I turned in tonight, this ridiculous scene greeted me when I plugged in my phone before crawling into the covers. The battery icon was right on Chaika’s forehead (which was my lock screen), and it looked like she was aware that the battery was there. Completely hilarious, and hope you guys get a kick out of it, too.

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This piece was a big jump for me, because I pumped it out in one evening on my newly owned Cintiq tablet. I was so happy with how it turned out, though looking back at it I have a long ways to go to translate my better skills to the digital medium.


I don’t know where I quite got the idea for this, but the idea came from watching some recent Youtube videos from the Youtuber known as Markiplier. Specifically his playthroughs for the game Mad Father and Witch’s House. I guess that rubbed off from somewhere.

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While I’m getting into the hang of recording my Dawnstar lines, I grabbed this from Walmart the other day. He was pretty cheap (which is one reason I picked it up), and I could certainly use some more desk toys to decorate my workspace as I work here most of the time.


So I had some fun with him today, letting him pose with some of my recording gear on the desk. I think he’ll fit in right at home. No name as yet, though. Any suggestions?

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